Equestrian or horse-riding techniques require awareness of additional elements not found in other activities.

  • Experience or training of the horse.
  • Location in open field or supervised ring.
  • Riding English or Western
  • Wearing boots, gloves and pants to foster comfort and performance.

Warm-up neck, shoulders, wrists, hands, ankles, knees, and lower back. Once on the horse, keep the elbows back toward the ribs. Keep the ball of the foot on the stirrup and push the heel down. Chin up and look through the ears of the horse.

Walk, trot, canter and gallop are the four gates. Beginners should master stopping, walking and trotting prior to advanced gates. Use the legs and seat as much as possible rather than depending on the arms to steer the direction of your ride.

Be sure to cool down the horse before feeding, watering or returning to stable or pasture. Many times the best way to cool down a horse is to dismount, remove saddle and walk alongside the horse with a lead line. If you can hire a trainer, your understanding and development process will obviously increase dramatically.

Other CROSS-TRAINING activities: aerobics - cycling - horse-riding - martial arts - powerwalk - running - sailing - scuba-diving - skating - strength-training - hydra-fitness - yoga


AEROBEACH USA: P.O. Box 19-993, Miami Beach, FL 33119 Voicemail 305-672-3339
AEROBEACH Greece: 15 Platia Kolonaki, 106 73, Athens Tel. +30 210 7229489 Mob. +30 6976302929